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Comunicações em Actas de Eventos Científicos Internacionais

Cabral, Adilson; Ferreira, Jorge Ricardo (2013), “Multi-Criteria analysis and modeling with GIS for the location of landfills: a case study in the southern region of Cape Verde”, Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems 2013, Miguel Baptista Nunes, Pedro Isaías and Philip Powell (Eds.) – IADIS, 14 – 16 March Lisbon. ISBN: 978-972-8939-83-0. A aguardar indexação na ISI.

Daniel, A.; Natário, M.; Braga, A.; Fernandes, G.P.(2013), “Tendências Demográficas da Região Centro de Portugal: caso de estudo dos municípios de baixa densidade”. Atas XXIII Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Gestão Cientifica–Bases para Empreender y Gestionar com Racionalidade Económica e Transparencia. Ed.Univ.Malaga, Univ.Sevilha e Univ. Beira Interior. Málaga.ISBN: 978-84-695-6928-3

Ferreira, Jorge Ricardo (2013), “Information Society in Croatia, Landscapes of Knowledge for digital inclusion: E-Island Project”, ), “Proceedings of the International Conference E-Society 2013”, Piet Kommers and Pedro Isaías (Eds.), International Association for Development of the Information Society – IADIS, 13 to 16 March, 2013. pp 19-26 Lisbon. ISBN: 978-972-8939-82-3. A aguardar indexação na ISI

Fonseca, Catarina; Pereira, Margarida; Calado, Helena; Botelho, Catarina (2013), “Ordenamento e gestão de áreas protegidas nos Açores: particularidades e desafios do novo sistema de gestão territorial regional”, In Rio Fernandes, Cunha, Chamusca, (org.), “Actas do 1st International Meeting – Geography & Politics, Policies and Planning”. Porto. FLUPorto/CEGOT, 102-115 (E-BOOK ISBN:978-989-8648-03-7).

Freire, Sérgio; Fonseca, I.; Brasil, R.; Rocha, J.; Tenedório, José António (2013), “Using Artificial Neural Networks for Digital Soil Mapping – a comparison of MLP and SOM approaches”. “Proceedings of the 16th AGILE”. Conference on Geographic Information Science. Leuven, Belgium, May 14-17, 2013. ISSN: 1863-2246

Freire, Sérgio; Gomes, N. (2013), “Advancing environmental noise pollution analysis in urban areas by considering the variation of population exposure in space and time”. Editor(s): C. Ellul, S. Zlatanova, M. Rumor, and R. Laurini: Proceedings of the 29th Urban Data Management Symposium, London, UK, 29-31 May, 2013, XL-4/W1. pp 155–160. ISSN: 2194-9034

Gato, Maria Assunção; Ramalhete, Filipa; Soares, Nuno Pires (2013), “Places made by Networks, Networks boosting Places. Two examples of resourceful neighborhoods in Lisbon”. In International RC21 Conference 2013, Resourceful Cities. Berlin (Germany), 29-31 August 2013.

Natário, M.; Fernandes, Gonçalo Poeta; Del Barrio Aliste, J.; Ibañez Matiniez, M. (2013); “Trends and Paths from Border Regions: The Frontier Centro- Castilla y Leon of Portugal and Spain, Place-Based Policies na Economic Recovery”, “Book of Proceedings of 19th APDR Congress”, pp 705-715. Braga (ISBN: 978-989-96353-8-8)

Natário, M.; Fernandes, Gonçalo Poeta; Silva, S. (2013); “Governância: a reinvenção da gestão pública e a modernização municipal”. Proccedings XXIII Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Gestão Cientifica” – Bases para Empreender y Gestionar com Racionalidade Económica e Transparencia, Málaga. Edição conjunta da Univ. de Malaga, Univ. de Sevilha e Univ. Beira Interior pp (ISBN:978-84-695-6928-3)

Neves, Bruno; Rebelo, Carla; Rodrigues, António Manuel (2013), “Modelling Sea-Level Rise in the Lisbon city coastal area, using Free and Open Source Technologies”, “Atas das VII Jornadas de SIG Libre”, Servei de Sistemes D’Informació Geogràfica I Telederecció, 6-8 March. Universitat de Girona, 11 pp. (online) ISBN: 978-84-694-1624-2

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