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Comunicações em Eventos Científicos Internacionais
Interpretação da classificação de imagens de satélite SPOT 5: densidades e gradientes residenciais na Grande Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (GAML) (2005) - Colloque EURMET: Expansions Urbaines des Métropoles du Sud-Ouest Européen, Barcelona.
José António Tenedório, Sara Encarnação
Land Use Evolution Patterns on Developed Coastal Areas. Fuzzy Data Integration through Neural Network and Cellular Automata Modeling (2005) - 14th European Colloquium of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Tomar
Jorge Rocha, José Carlos Ferreira, José António Tenedório, Sara Encarnação
Land use evolution patterns on developed coastal areas: fuzzy data integration through neural network and cellular automata modelling (2005) – GIS Planet, Estoril.
José Carlos Ferreira, Jorge Rocha
Modelling the Spreading of Infectious Diseases using Mobility Networks (2005) - 9th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, London-,
Joana Simões
Predicting Bryophytes Distribution for Conservation Purposes: Use of Ecological Niche Factor Analysis, Kriging with External Drift and GIS for Habitat Characterization (2005) – GIS Planet 2005, Estoril.
R. Figueira, S. Caramelo, R. Menezes, A. J. Sousa, A. Silva
Processamento digital de imagens de satélite pixel a pixel vs orientado por objecto (2005) - Colloque EURMET: Expansions Urbaines des Métropoles du Sud-Ouest Européen, Barcelona.
José António Tenedório
Producing land use/cover maps with the integration of remote sensing and ancillary data in a GIS environment (2005) – GIS Planet, Estoril.
Jorge Rocha, José António Tenedório, Sara Encarnação
Rebuilding a SDI – The Portuguese Experience (2005) - 11th EC-GI & GIS Workshop, Alghero.
Rui Pedro Julião
SATSTAT: Exploratory Analysis of Envisat-MERIS Data for Land Cover Mapping of Portugal in 2003 (2005) - 14th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography , Tomar.
Teresa Santos, José António Tenedório, Jorge Rocha, Sara Encarnação
SatStat – Satellite derived statistical data on forest-area change (2005) - GIS Planet, Estoril.
Teresa Santos, José António Tenedório, J. Uva, Jorge Rocha, Sara Encarnação
Simulating Vaccination Strategies (2005) - 14th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Tomar.
Joana Simões
Spatial behaviors and land use evolution patterns on developed coastal areas: Fuzzy data integration though multi criteria analysis for cellular automata modelling (2005) - ICCCM 05, International Conference on Coastal Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, Tavira.
José Carlos Ferreira, Jorge Rocha, José António Tenedório
Spatial Data Infrastructures and Knowledge Discovery (2005) - 14th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Tomar.
Rui Pedro Julião
Spatial modelling of metropolization in Portugal (2005) - 14th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Tomar.
Patricia Abrantes, Fernando Bação, Victor Lobo, José António Tenedório
The Management of Beaches: The importance of the Carrying Capacity Concept (2005) - International Conference in Coastal Conservation and Management in Atlantic and Mediterranean, Tavira.
Carlos Pereira da Silva, José Carlos Ferreira, Saudade Pontes
The Morphogenesis of Lisbon: Schemata and Urban Universals (2005) - 14th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Tomar.
Isabel Marcos
The Spanish Service Firms in Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA): growth, employment and location (2005) - XVth RESER International Conference, Granada.
José Afonso Teixeira, Iva Pires

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