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Articles in international scientific journals
Miguel C. Brito; Nuno Gomes; Teresa Santos; José António Tenedório (2012), “Photovoltaic potential in a Lisbon suburb using LiDAR data”, Solar Energy, Volume 86, Issue 1, pp. 283-288.
ISSN: 0038-092X | Impact Factor: 2.135 | DOI:| Indexed: Scopus
C. Fonseca; Helena Calado; Carlos Pereira da Silva, A. Gil (2011), “New approaches to environment conservation and sustainability in Small Islands: The Project SMARTPARKS”, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, ICS2011 (Proceedings), pp.1970-1974.
ISSN 0749-0208 | Online ISSN: 1551-5036 | ImpactFactor: 0.679 | DOI: - | Indexed: -
F. M. Guebert-Bartholo; M. Barletta; M. F. Costa; L. R. Lucena; Carlos Pereira da Silva (2011), “Fishery and the use of space in a tropical semi-arid estuarine region of Northeast Brazil: subsistence and overexploitation”, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, ICS2011 (Proceedings), pp.398-402.
ISSN 0749-0208 | Online ISSN: 1551-5036 | ImpactFactor: 0.679 | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Jorge Ricardo Ferreira; João Carlos Ferreira(2011), “Georeferencing Road Accidents with Google Earth: Transforming Information into Knowledge for Decision Support”, The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, Volume 14, Issue 1, ECIME 2010 Special Issue, pp. 27-36.
ISSN 1566-6379 | Impact Factor: - |DOI: - | Indexed:Institution of Engineering and Technology in the UK; CiteseerX
M. Ribeiro; José Carlos Ferreira;Carlos Pereira da Silva (2011), “The Sustainable Carrying Capacity as a Tool for Environmental Beach Management”, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, ICS2011 (Proceedings), pp.1411-1414.(IF==,679)
ISSN 0749-0208 | Online ISSN: 1551-5036 | ImpactFactor: 0.679 | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Miguel Pereira; Pedro Segurado; Nuno Neves (2011), “Using spatial network structure in landscape management and planning: a case study with pond turtles”, Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 100, Issues 1-2, pp. 67-76.
ISSN: 0169-2046 | Impact Factor: 2.004 | DOI:| Indexed: Scopus
Teresa Santos; Sérgio Freire; Ana Fonseca; José António Tenedório (2011), “Producing a building change map for urban management purposes”, EARSeL eProceedings, Volume 10, Number 1, pp. 56-65
ISSN 1729-3782 | ImpactFactor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Teresa Santos; Sérgio Freire; José António Tenedório; Ana Fonseca; Nuno Afonso; Ana Navarro; Fernando Soares (2011), “The GeoSat Project: Using Remote Sensing to Keep Pace with Urban Dynamics”, Earthzine, Urban Monitoring theme issue (www., IEEE Committee on Earth Observation. Publication online
ISSN - | ImpactFactor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Bruno Vaz; Allan Williams; Carlos Pereira da Silva (2010), “New Typology for Portuguese Beaches: an exploratory study”, Journal of Coastal Conservation
ISSN: 1400-0350 (print version), 1874-7841 (electronic version) | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Patrícia Abrantes; Dulce Pimentel; José António Tenedório (2010), “Metropolitan dynamics of the Portuguese Urban System”, The Open Urban Studies Journal, Volume 3, pp. 68-77
ISSN: 1874-9429 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: Open J-Gate, Genamics JournalSeek, MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory,Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), PubsHub, J-Gate
A. Quintela; Helena Calado; Carlos Pereira da Silva (2009), “Bathing users perceptions and expectations of São Miguel (Azores) Bathing Areas - a pilot study”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1145-1149, Part 2, Szczecin, Poland
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS:000266722400048
Adriano Nave; Inês Boavida-Portugal (2009), “Methods for elaboration of a Beach Plan – case study Rainha Beach”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1257-1261, Szczecin, Poland
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS:000266722400071
Bruno Vaz; Allan T Williams; Carlos Pereira da Silva; Mike Phillips (2009), “The importance of user’s perception for beach management”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1164-1168, Szczecin, Poland
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS:000266722400052
Cristina Henriques; José António Tenedório (2009), “Remote Sensing, GIS Application and Simulation of Coastal Land Use Changes Based on Cellular Automata: The Case Study of Maputo, Mozambique”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1518-1521, Szczecin, Poland
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS:000266722400125
E. Jurado; A. Gutto Danta; Carlos Pereira da Silva (2009), “Coastal Zone Management: Tools for establishing a set of indicators to assess beach carrying capacity (Costa del Sol – Spain)”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1125-1129, Part 2, Szczecin, Poland
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS:000266722400044
Isabel Marcos (2009), “Towards Strategic Semiotics for Town-Planning”, The merican Journal of Semiotics: Specialization, Semiosis, Semiotics, Houston, vol. 26
ISSN: - | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
João Figueira de Sousa; André Fernandes (2009), “The Port of Funchal: Conserving a Balance between Maritime-Port Functions and Port/City Integration”, Portus, n.º 17, pp 86-91
ISSN: - | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
João Figueira de Sousa; André Fernandes; Ana Carpinteiro (2009), “Developing Nautical Recreational Activities as a Territorial Strategy: a Perspective on the Tagus Estuary”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1154-1158, Part 2, Szczecin, Poland
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS:000266722400050
Maria Adelaide Carranca (2009), “Le dévelopment de la culture à Lisbonne: quel impact pour les politiques d'aménagement stratégique?”, Revue Géographique des Pyrénnées e du Sud-Ouest Européen, Culture et Projets de Territoire N27
ISSN: - 1276-4930| Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Sérgio Freire; Teresa Santos; José António Tenedório (2009), “Recent urbanization and land use/land cover change in Portugal: the influence of coastline and coastal urban centres”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1499-1503, Szczecin, Poland
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS:000266722400121
Isabel Marcos (2008), “Vers une sémiotique stratégique du projet urbain“, Nouveaux Actes Sémiotiques
ISSN: - 1961-8999| Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Margarida Pereira; Fernando Nunes da Silva (2008), “Modelos de ordenamento em confronto na área metropolitana de Lisboa: cidade alargada ou recentragem metropolitana?”, Cadernos Metrópole, nº 20, 2º semestre, EDUC
ISSN: - | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Miguel Pereira; Nuno Neves; Diogo Figueiredo (2008), “Considerações sobre a Fragmentação Territorial e as Redes de Corredores Ecológicos”, Revista GEOGRAFIA, pp. 5-23
ISSN: - | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Rui Pedro Julião; Henrique Silva; Danilo Furtado; Artur Bonnet (2008), “O Sistema Nacional de Informação Geográfica como contributo para uma Infra-estrutura Europeia de Dados Espaciais”, Mapping – Revista Internacional de Ciências de la Terra, n.126, pp.62.65, Madrid
ISSN: - | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Carlos Pereira da Silva; F. Alves; R. Rocha (2007), “The Management of Beach Carrying Capacity: The case of northern Portugal”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50 (Proceedings of the 9th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 135-139 Gold Coast, Australia
ISSN: 0749.0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS: 000207860300027
F.L. Alves; Carlos Pereira da Silva; P. Pinto (2007), “The Assessment of Coastal Zone Development at a Regional Level the case study of the Portuguese Central Area”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50 (Proceedings of the 9th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 72-76 Gold Coast, Australia
ISSN: 0749.0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS: 000207860300015
João Porteiro, Helena Calado, Margarida Pereira, Adriano Quintela, Tomaz Dentinho (2007), “Watershed Integrated Management: a Decision-Support Model on Sete Cidades Lake (Azores)”, The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, no. 2, volume 14, pp. 192-200
ISSN: 1350-4509 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: WOS:000246172200007
Patrícia Abrantes; Dulce Pimentel; José António Tenedório (2007), “Metropolitan dynamics of the Portuguese Urban System”, Geojournal
ISSN: 0343-2521 (print version); 1572-9893 (electronic version) | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Carlos Pereira da Silva (2006), “Landscape Perception and Coastal Management: A Methodology to Encourage Public Participation”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 39 (Proceedings of the 8th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 930-934, Itajaí, SC, Brazil
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Fátima Alves; José Carlos Ferreira (2006), “10 Years after the Rio Summit - the Assessment of Portuguese Coastal Zone Planning System”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 39 (Proceedings of the 8th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 935-940. Itajaí, SC, Brazil
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
José Carlos Ferreira (2006), “Coastal Zone Vulnerability and Risk Evaluation. A Tool for Decision Making (an Example in the Caparica Littoral - Portugal)”, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 39 (Proceedings of the 8th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1590-1593, Itajaí, SC, Brazil
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
José Carlos Ferreira; Carlos Pereira da Silva; José António Tenedório; Saudade Pontes; Sara Encarnação; Luís Marques (2006), “Coastal Greenways: Interdisplinarity and Integration Challenges for the Management of Developed Coastal Areas”,Journal of Coastal Research, SI 39 (Proceedings of the 8th International Coastal Symposium), pp. 1833-1837, Itajaí, SC, Brazil
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Rui Pedro Julião (2005),”Restructuring the Geographical Information Production and Dissemination at National Level – The Experience of Portugal”, Intergovernmental Solutions Newsletter
ISSN: - | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Joana Simões (2004), “Environmental and Planning B: Planning and Design”, Open Source GIS: a GRASS GIS approach
ISSN: - | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Carlos Pereira da Silva (2002), “Beach carrying capacity assessment: How important is it?”, Journal of Coastal Research
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
Michael MacLeod, Carlos Pereira da Silva, J. A. G. Cooper (2002), “A comparative study of the perception and value of beaches in rural Ireland and Portugal: implications for coastal zone management”, Journal of Coastal Research
ISSN: 0749-0208 | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -
José António Tenedório (2001), “Télédétection, Systèmes d’Information Géographique et Suivi de l’Étalement Périurbain dans l’Aire Métropolitaine de Lisbonne”, Bulletin de l’Association de Géographes Français
ISSN: - | Impact Factor: - | DOI: - | Indexed: -

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