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Organizational structure

Like the other research units, e-GEO is under the scientific supervision of the Scientific Council of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. e-GEO's Management and Scientific Organisation is structured as follows:
The Scientific Council, composed of two bodies: - the Co-ordinating Committee, represented by the Research Group Co-ordinators and the Director supervises the scientific research, editing and dissemination activities. It formulates the scientific, investment and editorial guidelines and prepares the Annual and Pluriannual Activities and Financial Reports and Plans; - the plenary session, formed by all researchers with a doctoral degree approves the establishment of protocols with other institutions and evaluates the Annual and Pluriannual Activities and the Financial Reports and Plans.
The Director is the co-ordinator of the research, editing and scientific diffusion activities and the financial manager.
The Follow-up Unit functions as an internal evaluation and advisory body. Its prominent members, are: Professor Paul Claval, Université de Paris IV; Professor Lopes Trigal, Universidad de Leon; Professor Joan Romero, Universidad de Valencia; Professor Denise Pumain, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne; Professor Mike Phillips, Swansea Metropolitan University.
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