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Strategic Guidelines

e-GEO Strategic Guidelines for the 2010-2013 period:
Reinforcement of networking activities–through the continuation or establishment of partnerships with national and international institutions in applications for research projects; the organization/participation in post-graduates courses; organization of scientific events; partnerships in calls for market-oriented projects.
Promotion of transdisciplinarity- through the continuation or establishment of partnerships with scientific institutions with common research areas, such as Spatial Planning and Management, Environment and Natural Resources, Spatial Development, Geographical Modelling and Methodologies and Technologies of Geographical Information, among others.
Intensification of the internationalization of research-related activities– through technical and financial support to the preparation of articles to be submitted to international scientific journals with referees,; financial support to the participation of researchers in scientific events, which should be considered as the first step of the international dissemination of research results that ultimately should be published in indexed international publications.
Reinforcement of the participation of young scientist in research activities - through call for FCT applications for various research grants, such as integration into research grants, scientific initiation grants, doctoral degree and post-doctoral degree grants; call for application to e-GEO research grants in the scope of the Strategic Project financed by FCT.
Reinforcement of the social appropriation of e-GEO research knowledgethrough: participation of civil society institutions in research project applications led by e-GEO; supporting young researchers with Masters and PhDs to apply for mobility grants between R & D institutions and companies (BMOB) in order to initiate or enhance inter-institutional partnerships (public-public, public-private partnerships); the dissemination of project results in schools aimed at raising interest for scientific research among the young; meetings with technical staff, members of local and regional development associations and NGOs as well as through interviews for mass media and social networks in the Internet..

Diversification of financial sources,through the reinforcement of current financial sources other than FCT and the search for new sources, including the private sector.

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