Está em: Investigação » Grupos de Investigação » Dinâmicas Ambientais e Socioeconómicas: Gestão para a Sustentabilidade » Projectos Internacionais » RUFUS – Rural Future Networks
RUFUS – Rural Future Networks
Concluido Linha Estratégica:
Dinâmicas Ambientais e Socioeconómicas: Gestão para a Sustentabilidade
Christina von Haaren, Sylvia Herrmann
Equipa do e-GEO:
Ana Firmino
Instituição Coordenadora:
University of Leibniz, Hannover, Germany
Instituições Participantes:
Technical University, Delft, Holland;
Institut National de Recherche Agricole, France;
University of East Anglia, UK;
Lund University, Sweden;
Wageningen University, Holland;
Sprint Consult, Germany;
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland;
Scuola S’Anna, Pisa, Italy;
University of West Hungary, Hungary;
CEMAGREF, Montpellier et iNRA, Mirecourt, France;
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, FCSH, Portugal.
EU (Theme 8: Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities, Contract 217381 – 02/2008 – 01/2011)
2008-2011 Objectivos:
To understand the interactions of different policies to the typology of rural areas, differentiated at regional level; b) To integrate the social dimension and the potentials for an endogenous development in the analysis of changes in the rural areas; c) To communicate changes in the rural areas through scenarios; To test the results with different categories of local stakeholders

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