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Comunicações em Actas de Eventos Científicos Internacionais

Fernandes, André; Salvador, Regina (2013), “The Contribution of Transport Infrastructures to Regional Development”, in “Atas/Proceedings 19.º Congresso da APDR”, pp. 253-267 (On-line). ISBN: 978-989-96353-8-8

Ferreira, Eduarda (2013), “Collaborative Web mapping: Creating Layers of Lesbian Visibility”, in “Book of Proceedings IV International Meeting in Cultural Geography”, Geographical Imaginations, Universidade do Minho, pp. 54-73, Braga, 27-28 September 2012. ISBN: 978-989-97394-2-0.

Lúcio, José; Antunes, Gonçalo; Simões, Ricardo (2013), “As Cidades como Sistemas (Im)perfeitos: mitigação dos problemas sociais na Cidade de Lisboa”, “19º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional”, Braga. ISBN: 978-989-96353-8-8 (peer review) pp. 1301-1311|

Neto, Susana (2013), “Opportunities for International Water Governance:the Guadiana Basin Experience”Proceedings of the “TWAM International Conference & Workshops”. Transboundary water management across borders and interfaces: present and future challenges. 16-20 Março 2013. Univ. Aveiro. pp 1-5 ISBN: 978-972-789-378-2

Neves, Bruno; Pires, Iva M. (2013), “The impact of agricultural policies and growing investment in olive sector in the Alentejo region”, In Place-Based Policies and Economic Recovery, “Book of Proceedings of 19th APDR Congress”, Universidade do Minho, Braga, pp. 1153-1159. 1363p. ISBN: 978-989-96353-8-8.

Neves, Bruno; Rebelo, Carla; Rodrigues, António Manuel (2013), “Modelling Sea-Level Rise in the Lisbon city coastal area, using Free and Open Source Technologies”, “Atas das VII Jornadas de SIG Libre”, Servei de Sistemes D’Informació Geogràfica I Telederecció, 6-8 March. Univ. de Girona, 11 pp. (online) ISBN: 978-84-694-1624-2

Oliveira, J. A.; Roca, Maria N.; Roca, Zoran (2013), “Um contributo para o estudo dos efeitos económicos das segundas residências para o desenvolvimento rural”, in M. L. CARVALHO, P.P.S. HENRIQUE; V. NARCISO M.L, “Actas do ESADR 2013” Alimentar Mentalidades, Vencer a Crise Global, Évora, 15-19 de Dez. pp. 2087-2105. ISBN 978-989-8550-19-4.

Pires, Iva M.; Neves, Bruno (2013), “From periphery to Euroregion: foreign investment in olive groves in an Alentejo in times of change”, In Place-Based Policies and Economic Recovery, Book of Proceedings of “19th APDR Congress, Universidade do Minho”, Braga, pp. 1143-1153. 1363p. ISBN: 978-989-96353-8-8.

Umbelino, Jorge; Rodríguez Antón, José Miguel; Celemín Pedroche, Marisol; Amorim, Éricka; Liasidou, Sotiruola (2013), “EU membership and the impact on the image and attractiveness on tourism destinations”, Proceedings of the Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences, Freiburge, Germany, 3 rd December 2012, CD-ROM. ISSN: 1943-6114 : 6(1):127–128

Oliveira, R., Morgado, M.J., 2014. Planning the Urban Food System of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area in Portugal. A conceptual framework. In: Roggema, R. and Keeffe, G. (Edts) “Finding Places for Productive Cities. Proceedings of 6th International AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference, 5-7 November,Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-822451-2-7
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